Check out this video with original characters and other animation content.
Character Designs for World Leaders Volume 1
Character Designs for Upright Citizens Vol. 1, Domestic Animals
"There are many things a man can be measured by, but one can never measure the amount of creativity he may possess. Daniel is an artist's artist. Creative, talented through hard work and always a professional is how I would describe him."
Eric Sanchez,
"Daniel is the real thing! Not only is he ingeniously creative and multi-talented, but he backs it all up with heart and dedication.
Any project he works on is guaranteed to leave you smiling.”
Tara-jenelle Walsch,
"Daniel Ferebee is a pleasure to work with. He is extremely patient, knowledgeable and a very attentive listener. He gives you exactly what you're asking for. I highly recommend him. You won't regret it."
Donna Gillum,
"Daniel Is amazing! So multi-talented! His creativity and graphics are unbelievable! So professional and he always captures my vision precisely!'
Olivia Coffey,
Personal Stylist,
"Sharing his love for life through his art"
Helena Hassan,
Dance Choreographer
"Mr. Ferebee is a dynamic artist! He breathes life into his cartoon characters and animations and never ceases to be creative. He is talented beyond belief and his work inspires both children and adults alike. Mr. Ferebee motivates his students and encourages them to tap into their 'inner artist'. We need more people like him to guide our kids to their true passions!"
The Patterson Family
Berry Elem.